It’s the blame game when you test positive for COVID-19
It appears COVID-19 is striking my family and they’re playing the blame game. It’s because of other people that they got it. Well, sure, but…
Ever since I “retired” from one of my syndicated radio shows in June, I’ve been taking it easy — meaning working very little and keeping a low profile. Part of that includes pulling back and not staying in touch with people as regularly as before. You’d think it would be the opposite since I have all the time in the world now but, no, it’s me time.
So, I just recently found out that one of my brothers tested positive after our family Christmas celebration a month ago. Following that, two of his kids contracted corona, while his wife and their daughter never got it. Nobody else at the party was affected.
This week, my mom called me and said my other brother had symptoms over the weekend and jumped the queue at the testing site because he works for Winnipeg School Division. His results came back less than 24 hours later and he too was positive.
The chat with my mom, who worked at the school division for over 30 years before retiring last year, took issue with other people recklessly spreading the virus. Trouble is the rant was hypocritical.
She noted that my brother is the coach of his son’s hockey team and one of the kids tested positive earlier this month. I stopped her and questioned if my brother had any responsibility in his own fate given that he clearly isn’t limiting his contacts since he’s still coaching hockey.
“They haven’t shut it down,” was her rebuttal. Well, that’s not the point. Just because the government hasn’t taken away that activity with its recent restrictions, doesn’t mean that it’s OK to continue participating.
By now, we all know how it’s transmitted, the risks of exposure, the chances of getting it and, frankly, come to terms with the fact we’re all likely going to get COVID-19 sooner or later. You can’t claim ignorance three years in and blame others when you know you’re supposed to be limiting contact.
If I contracted it after our Christmas gathering, I wouldn’t have finger-pointed at my brother. I would’ve owned it because I chose to attend. That’s on me.
If you become infected in your workplace, sure, you could say it’s not your fault since you have to work around others. And in my brother’s case, it could very well have been his classroom that was his point of contact.
People have a choice to participate in children’s hockey — and for the sake of argument, let’s say that’s where my brother contracted it. If you’re in an environment with people not fully vaccinated (no matter what their age) you’re putting yourself in danger, according to the experts. You participate at your own risk.
To not limit interactions when cases are spiking, it seems reckless to say it was because of others and not anything an individual did or didn’t do when we’ve been repeatedly told not to gather in social settings, such as a hockey game. Again, just because we’re allowed to doesn’t mean we should.
Every week that the pandemic drags on I wonder if it’s corona fatigue or civil disobedience that continues its spread, but now I question human ignorance – well, maybe I question that more now.