Maybe I believe in magic again

Last Wednesday while many of you were fast asleep (some maybe just going to bed) I was at the Winnipeg airport ready to fly to Disney World for Air Canada’s Dreams Take Flight.

If you haven’t heard of it — and I’m surprised at how many people don’t know the initiative that happens in eight major Canadian cities and has for over two decades — I will fill you in.

A bunch of kids get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend a day at Disney and come back the same day. Yes, leave Canada, go to Florida (or California, depending on where in Canada they depart) and fly home the same day.

In our case we were at the airport for 3 a.m., flew out at 5, there was breakfast, ice cream and even an in-flight pillow fight on the way there. Buses shuttle the group to the theme park and the kids spend about eight hours at Magic Kingdom before buying some souvenirs, getting back on the buses, head to the plane and have dinner on the way home before falling asleep. The adventure ends at about 1 a.m. with arrival back at the Winnipeg airport.

It was my third time on the trip as a media guest. I host my radio shows from there and chat with the kids and do selfies all day.

The kids are grateful for such an experience (not meeting me, I’m talking about visiting Disney — well, maybe a little of both) and whatever their current situation at home or what they go through in day-to-day life is all but forgotten. They get a chance to be kids and have a day of fun.

People who know me know that I am not fond of kids. But I do have a fondness for doing things that make others happy. This is one of those times where I can deal with 140 kids loaded up on sugar and smacking me in the head with a pillow.

Check out the day of fun online at It really is an incredible experience and all the volunteers and sponsors make it a day to remember.

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