This year I’m going to… ah, forget it
It’s a new year and that means it’s time for a new you. Isn’t that how it goes?
Make your New Year’s resolution and keep it for a couple days and by the time you read this column – nearly two weeks into 2008 – you’ll have forgotten all about it and be back to your regular routine.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for making better choices in life but I don’t understand why people wait for a new year to take the leap.
Typically it’s a resolution to be more active, stop smoking, stop biting fingernails but it’s odd to me why people don’t feel they can do this in, say, July or August or even November – essentially anytime of the year.
Perhaps New Year’s resolutions are something that we don’t really want to do but feel that we have to because it’s expected of us, probably because we’ve been criticized and been made to believe we need to make the changes.
People look at it as, “OK, I’ve only got a few more days to smoke” or “Tomorrow I am going to workout.” What’s wrong with today? If you really, really, truly want to accomplish this goal you theoretically can start doing – or not doing it – today.
My resolution was to stop commenting on what others do, not be so critical of others and start focusing on my own life. But I guess I’ve also fallen off the wagon already. Ah, maybe in 2009. This year I’ll start biting my nails, smoking and not exercising and then plan to quit those habits in 11 months.